Little Cayman - above and below
Friday, April 29, 2005
Here are a couple of pictures that Marc sent over from Grand Cayman for those of you who need more proof that the birth finally happened!
Monday, April 25, 2005

Screw it - I used Paint Shop Pro to fix my spelling error and will change the real sign tomorrow! (see original sign below)
One week overdue comes a bouncing baby boy
At approximately 4:20pm this afternoon, Mathieu John Pothier was born unto Sabine and Marc at the hospital on Grand Cayman. (You will notice that my sign below is spelled incorrectly but I blame this on Marc as in his first quick call he failed to mention the French spelling to me:-)Now I won't have to answer at least 20 times a day "Not yet". I will probably have to answer "Yes, it's a boy" a few times, but I posted the sign below at the Paradise Villas office for the passing vehicles, so now they won't have to stop and ask me!
Mathieu, little buddy, it's about time!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2005
from Ann and Rod's truck ride this afternoon...
...comes this photo of a love vine choking the tree underneath to death. We thought the color of the vine (as well as its intriguing name) deserved a blog post!Birds of the Cayman Islands
This pic is for KD so you can see the setup that the photographers have down on Candle Road. A water jug hanging 4 feet off the ground full of water drips through a small hole onto the ground below where a small puddle is formed. That's all it takes. Sit about 6 feet away with a big lens on your camera and watch the migratory birds that are passing by this month drop off for a drink or a swim. This is Joshua, who is helping Yves-Jacques take photos for the upcoming revision of the Cayman bird book by Patricia Bradley. May not be out for a couple of years or so!Wednesday, April 13, 2005
D3 - Dark Dangerous Dive
Ann and I went for a shore night dive tonight because neither of us have been diving for a while and we have been talking about doing a night dive together for many moons. (and of course it doesn't cost us anything!)We drove over to J-Bay and headed out to the wall, just the 2 of us, lots of stars, a crescent moon, absolute peace and quiet, how romantic:-) LOL
We both adore cephalopods so were very happy to find a few reef squid and the octopus that is in the photo below. Actually, Ann found most of the cool stuff including the cowries and a flatworm that crawled past the shells as I was taking the pic, but somehow I missed it! Damn that shutter delay of digital cameras! My new Canon SD 500 camera arrives tomorrow with Marc so I can only hope that problem has improved a bit (of course I bought the camera without ever having seen it).
We fed the basket stars, arrow crabs and hard corals some of the zillions of blood worms that were attracted to our lights as well, and I am happy to say that this time, no worms fell out of my hair in the shower tonight!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
And then there was one..
..Paradise Divers staff member. Funny, there were four when I first arrived, including Ann in the lower photo)! I'm so very alone! Now what does that say about our little resort!?! Vince took off with Sir Turtle yesterday morning and by midnight tonight he will be looking for a warm jumper at the Montreal airport.I won't be posting many, if any, underwater photos this month as I am working in the office until Rebecca shows up from Duluth to cover Sabine at the beginning of May. And I am still waiting for my new Canon SD500 dig camera to arrive at Cayman Camera! I may try to sneak a shore dive in (or two) to see if our seahorse friends are still around tho...
Friday, April 01, 2005
Thursday night at the Colonel's Quarters
We had our final get-together at my house last night for the staff of Paradise Divers of the past 4 years. Vince has decided to go back to Montreal, at least for now, to decide what other cool occupations there are in this big big world. We will miss him terribly. Sabine (the big one) is leaving temporarily for Grand Cayman tomorrow afternoon to await the birth of the obviously imminent baby, due around the middle of April. Marc (Dad), the guy who took the photo will accompany her. Ann is now working at Conch Club Divers down the road. And I will be all alone here at Paradise Divers for the next few weeks:-(On a happy note, the penne alla vodka and salmon that we ate last night was oh so delish, if I do say so myself(!). Thanks to my Eric for the recipe and culinary advice - couldn't have done it without you!!
Well, we are having an informal going away party for V down at the Southern Cross Club dock tonight, so I best be getting ready... Adieu....