Wednesday, April 06, 2005

And then there was one..

..Paradise Divers staff member. Funny, there were four when I first arrived, including Ann in the lower photo)! I'm so very alone! Now what does that say about our little resort!?! Vince took off with Sir Turtle yesterday morning and by midnight tonight he will be looking for a warm jumper at the Montreal airport.
I won't be posting many, if any, underwater photos this month as I am working in the office until Rebecca shows up from Duluth to cover Sabine at the beginning of May. And I am still waiting for my new Canon SD500 dig camera to arrive at Cayman Camera! I may try to sneak a shore dive in (or two) to see if our seahorse friends are still around tho...


At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too sad. Not only that you're all alone, but that you can't even go diving! Yikes! Well --- it could be worse, like 10 degrees and pouring.

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, what's really sad is that Rod's camera hasn't arrived yet. As soon as it does, Gone are the dark clouds that had him blind... ;-)

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Rod said...

My camera is with Marc on Grand Cayman so hopefully I will have it soon so I can try to flood it.
And I can't tell you how long I will be here - depends on when I flood my camera!

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot has changed in the few months since I was there! Enjoying your pics (as always). Glad to see more seahorses have arrived - now I just need to get back there to see them!

Let me know how you like the SD500 - I've been looking to replace my Olympus and like the Canon line.


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