Wednesday, April 13, 2005

D3 - Dark Dangerous Dive

Ann and I went for a shore night dive tonight because neither of us have been diving for a while and we have been talking about doing a night dive together for many moons. (and of course it doesn't cost us anything!)
We drove over to J-Bay and headed out to the wall, just the 2 of us, lots of stars, a crescent moon, absolute peace and quiet, how romantic:-) LOL
We both adore cephalopods so were very happy to find a few reef squid and the octopus that is in the photo below. Actually, Ann found most of the cool stuff including the cowries and a flatworm that crawled past the shells as I was taking the pic, but somehow I missed it! Damn that shutter delay of digital cameras! My new Canon SD 500 camera arrives tomorrow with Marc so I can only hope that problem has improved a bit (of course I bought the camera without ever having seen it).
We fed the basket stars, arrow crabs and hard corals some of the zillions of blood worms that were attracted to our lights as well, and I am happy to say that this time, no worms fell out of my hair in the shower tonight!


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like an octopus - looks like some kind of weird blue growth... strange animals! Did you see this? Speaking of strange Octopi


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