Here are some random shots from the past few days of diving...

Looking towards the sky from 90 feet below the surface at the Nancy's Cup of Tea swim-through

This is only the second time I have witnessed the moulting of an arrow crab - the exoskeleton can be seen to the right of the living crab.

Louann dwarfed by the biggest freestanding barrel sponge at Blacktip Boulevard (aka Janet Jackson)! I really like the mutant sponges growing from their mother's side.

I like this shot of the red spotted hawkfish mostly because of the Porites porites finger coral which serves as the perfect backdrop.

Not too bad for a wrasse blenny shot - they don't like to stick their heads out of their holes very far...
The homing instinct of a Little Cayman iguana
For all of you people out there that sent their condolences or commented on the loss of my iguana (actually, nobody did), you will be happy to know that Matthew finally found his way home from across the road at the office, after his harrowing truck ride in the engine block. Thanks for your support through the last few days.
Matt is back!
Friday the 13th
Yesterday, I had a the pleasure of cruising above Little Cayman with Laird in his 2-seater, single engine plane. A group of divers and their 6 RV planes, all built from kits, have been staying at the resort for the past week and asked Liz, Rebecca and I if we wanted to go up for a ride. It lasted about 25 minutes and included a couple of trips down to Point of Sand and two barrel rolls which were quite fun. They hold only 40 gallons of fuel and with that, can travel about 1000 miles... I want one!!
You can check out the planes at

decending to the Edward Bodden Airfield

yes, we were VERY close!

following behind Jimmy

Conch Club and Owen Island

ready for take-off
OK - Rebecca and I thought it would be funny...
.. if we used Mike Bray's Janet the iguana photo and Marc's Mathieu photo and hung them in the office in this manner. I don't think Sabine was quite as amused.
One of our favorite finds - a juvenile trunkfish. Thanks to Yves from Montreal for showing her to me. With those sexy eyes, a little lipstick and some fishnet she looks like she could make some serious cash on Sherbourne St in Toronto.

Going my way?
What is it?
Here's one for KD to ID! It looks like similar morphology as the orange one we found on a south side dive site last time you were here, but slightly bigger. This one-inch specimen was found at Pirate's Reef, munching on a soft coral down at about 40 feet (12m).

sea slug/nudibranch
Angels of Cayman
I know most of you were expecting some underwater photos soon, rather than people-pics, so I thought I had better post a couple. The lower one is of a skiddish and usually difficult to photograph Queen angelfish while the above pic is of a rarely seen and even more shy cherubfish - the smallest member of the angelfish family at a whopping 2 inches long!


Queen angel
My Matt
I have this small iguana who has taken up residence under my bungalow. Let's call him Matthew, for lack of an imagination on my part at this moment.
For the past few weeks, he has decided that lying under my hibachi during the hot mid-day sun gives him some kind of erotic or other pleasure, but I digress. One morning, when Eric and I were about to get in the F150 to go to work, I head a noise in the engine block that sounded like a scurrying animal. I carefully (OK, timidly) lifted the hood and looked around for a snake, or crab, or yuck, even a rat but couldn't find anything. Off we went down the road a couple of miles to Dottie's house to pick up some of Liz's dive gear, and then back to Paradise Diver's office where a few of us chatted about nothing like usual. When we came out of the office, Matt was under the truck after having obviously jumped down from his horrific ride, looking very frightened and out of sorts. He then scurried off under the office and I haven't seen him since.
I should have known this BBQ metal fetish of his would eventually get him into trouble. I should have chased him away from the hibachi all those times instead of taking zillions of photos. I can't help but blame myself for everything. I miss him.

BBQ iguana
Where's my Barby-girl?
Why is it that a casual stroll along a deserted tropical beach usually results in a bountiful harvest of washed-up, assorted doll-parts? (In case one of you real freaks out there wondered, the one on the left is my fave:-) The next time Eric and I go to Point of Sand, we are going to collect either assorted flip-flops, or toothbrushes, or maybe even both if we are really feeling crazy!!
another day at the beach for the doll-parts...
It has been ages since I posted anything on this blog so I have a bunch of catching up to do! Here is a pic from the Cinqo de Mayo celebrations down at Southern Cross Club (the constellation is also very visible right now!). Rebecca, our BB (booking b****) from Duluth, me and my Eric, and Sky Ho, aka Leah, who was down visiting us all from MN as well. Eric and Sky have left so I guess I will now have more time to catch up on personal business!

Cinqo do Mayo