Where's my Barby-girl?
Why is it that a casual stroll along a deserted tropical beach usually results in a bountiful harvest of washed-up, assorted doll-parts? (In case one of you real freaks out there wondered, the one on the left is my fave:-) The next time Eric and I go to Point of Sand, we are going to collect either assorted flip-flops, or toothbrushes, or maybe even both if we are really feeling crazy!!
another day at the beach for the doll-parts...
Hey, Rodman!!
This one really made me chuckle as Gena and I were walking the beach in the BVI and here was a little girl burying all of her barbies up to their necks right at the shoreline. They obviously had been "bad girrrrls"!!!
Besides, if Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?!
Take care...Nanc
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