These two photos were taken a couple of days ago. The lower one was found at Mixing Bowl on the wall at about 60 feet. Although brittle stars aren't exacly rare (ie. they're everywhere!!), it was kinda cool to see this one had made its home in the remains of an old but colorful, encrusted bivalve. (I think it has been encrusted by some type of sponge).
The other pic is of a 4 inch-long fish I had never seen before, so if anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it! It was found on the limestone dropoff of the shoreline at depth of approximately 10 feet,(Bush Gardens cave for those of you who have dived here!) clinging to the wall. HELP!
Monday, February 28, 2005
This blog is mostly about sharing photographically the beauty of the undersea world surrounding Little Cayman to those less fortunate than ourselves. Of course there is a bit of humor (I hope) included in the descriptions, and a bit of the dry world included here as well.
Previous Posts
- Can anyone out there I.D. this fish?
- sponge brittle star on the remains of a bivalve
- I guess I should explain the 2 pics below since I ...
- the same secretary blennies are obviously ashamed ...
- secretary blennies living proudly on their healthy...
- They ain't no whale sharks, but, hey, whaddya want...
- male yellowhead jawfish incubating his mate's eggs...
- green moray with a nasty skin lesion
- Dave and a goliath grouper a.k.a jewfish
- We woke up this morning to a brilliant sunrise, an...
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