They ain't no whale sharks, but, hey, whaddya want these days?
I thought the picture of the jewfish was kinda kool since we don't see them very often (expecially since the Soto Trader wreck was torn in half by Hurricane Ivan in Sept '04, and one used to hang out in the stern), and it may appear a bit larger than it actually is cause Toronto Dave was about 10 feet behind it. Anyway, jewfish are the largest groupers in the Caribbean - supposedly growing up to 800 pounds or so... this one, maybe 150??The green moray was found gasping for breath (not really, but they always seem to be) at Mixing Bowl and it appears that he has some abnormal growth on his head. Hopefully it is not carcinogenic and he makes a full recovery.
The pic directly below was also taken at Mixing Bowl - a dive site fave - and as it says, it is a male jawfish with a mouthful of eggs that he will carry for a week or so until they hatch. I was lucky to get so close for the photo as they are more skiddish than usual while in their paternal time.
We are about to get very busy here at Paradise Divers, so, unless my old, crappy camera dies, I should have some more photos on the blog very soon! ~R
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