Dave and Tia do T.O.

LC Dave drove up to Canada from Florida a couple of weeks ago for a visit and a chance to take a break before he starts his new kitesurfing job in Cape Fear, NC. At first there was no wind for any kitesurfing here, then the wind picked way up and it was way too freaking cold!!!! Oh well, the Molson Canadian were even colder.
My friend Aziz was growing a hayfield in his small front yard in Cabbagetown so we whipper-snippered it down a few inches.... see before and after shots!

Check out the lawn! Tia and Chachi were very content to stand around and watch.........

Hanging out at an outdoor pub near the Beaches. Tia was desperate to join us on the deck, but the nasty waitress with the fly that was down wouldn't let her come up:-(